
Please donate any amount for Japan to survive and recover!
We need your help...

There are some donation places suggested.
Of course you can give donations to other authorities, as long as they are helping Japan earthquake :)
Please let me know if there are any suggestions for donation authorities.

thank you very much for your kindness xxx

Embassy of Japan highly recommended!

Japan Earthquake Relief Found highly recomended!
A donation authority made by the UK universities and LBS (London School of Business) for this earthquake.
All the money will be used for Japan earthquake and nothing else!

British Red Cross- Japan Tsunami Appeal
Easy way to donate by web-site, post or phone!
However, British Red Cross has been stated that "any surplus funds will be used to help us prepare for and respond to humanitarian disasters both here in the UK and overseas."
phone 08450 53 53 53

American Red Cross

日本赤十字(Japanese site)