Messages to pray for Japan, Japan earthquake 2011
Messages to pray for Japan, Japan earthquake 2011
This web-site is to deliver messages to pray for Japan from all over the world, to the victims in Japan who are hurt physically and mentally from the Tohoku (Sendai) earthquake and tsunami in Japan 11.03.2011.
TSUNAGARI means connection in Japanese. We are hoping to bring connections between the world and Japan by delivering the messages.
TSUNAGARI means connection in Japanese. We are hoping to bring connections between the world and Japan by delivering the messages.
Please get involved and give a lovely Message to people in Japan!!
Just because YOU are not in Japan, or in Tohoku, it does not mean you can't do anything.
If you can help us to draw or write messages to "pray for Japan" and then we will deliver them to the victims!
People in Japan need hope, love... to stand up again and re-build their country! Your message will give a smile :) and courage!
- Please make some messages by DRAWING or WRITING, and send it to me OR post it to the facebook group :)
- my e-mail address: ikeuchi@rikako.comfacebook group page :http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_160607627328404¬if_t=group_activity
- Remember to put your NAME and NATIONALITY (or the current living country/city) on the picture so people in Japan can see the messages are from all over Japan!! ;)
日本への祈り"pray for Japan"を世界から日本の方々に届けたいと思っています。
みんなで書いたメッセージが少しでも被災者の皆さんの励 みになるように、一人でも多くの方にスマイルが届けられ るように!
- イラストや手書き文章でメッセージを作り、私に送るか、facebookのグループページにUPして下さい。
- e-mail address: ikeuchi@rikako.comfacebookグループ :http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_160607627328404¬if_t=group_activity
- 名前と国(もしくは現在いる場所)をメッセージのどこかに記入
Photos sent to us OR uploaded to the facebook group will be published on this web-site.
Please comment anything I might be missing to mention :)
thank you so much for your support and kindness xxx
facebook group "Messages to pray for Japan"
Thank you very much to every one who has been involved in this project!
Since people are taking so much effort for this, we are not going to just put the pictures online and end it, but also physically deliver your lovely messages to the victims!
We are going to get your vote to decide which message you favour the most, and they will be used on the products to support recovery!
Japanese traditional towels "Tenugui" and T-shirts will be produced in Japan, and will get delivered to Sendai earthquake/tsunami devastated area.
Delivering the messages from all over the world, will surely give courage and smile :) to the victims!
Japanese traditional towels "Tenugui" and T-shirts will be produced in Japan, and will get delivered to Sendai earthquake/tsunami devastated area.
Delivering the messages from all over the world, will surely give courage and smile :) to the victims!
The areas recovering from the devastation, there needs to be large sums of money invested in order to recover.The government, local councils, local residents and volunteers all participate in the rebuilt of Japan.
If we can supply the basic needs (Japanese traditional towels "Tenugui" and T-shirts) to wear during the recovery, then people in Japan focus their income on matters which are of more importance such as their food or furniture.
We are happy for any ideas supporting our project so that we can progress!
Please let your friends to be involved too!!
If we can supply the basic needs (Japanese traditional towels "Tenugui" and T-shirts) to wear during the recovery, then people in Japan focus their income on matters which are of more importance such as their food or furniture.
We are happy for any ideas supporting our project so that we can progress!
Please let your friends to be involved too!!
All the rights of any images/messages in this web-site belongs to the Tsunagari Project.
本ウェブサイト内のコンテンツ(文章・資料・画像・音声等) の著作権は、Tsunagariプロジェクトが保有します。営利、非営利、インターネットを問わず、本ウェブサイトのコンテンツを許可なく複製、転用、販売など二次利用することを禁じます。